Тихменев Евгений Александрович - Evgeny A. Tikhmenev

Родился: 8 апреля 1946 года - April  8, 1946;

Рабочий адрес:  Россия   685000 Магадан, ул. Портовая,  18, Институт биологических  проблем  Севера  Дальневосточного  отделения  РАН,  Северный международный университет, кафедра биологии и химии,  телефон   - (413)22-35-332, факс: 41322-3-44-63, e-mail: rosa@online.magadan.su

    Institute of Bioligical  Problems  of  the  North  of  Far-East Branch of Russian  Academy  of Sciences (IBPN), 18, Portovaya St.,  Magadan  685000  Russia; Northern International University, the Biology and Chemistry Department.  Phone: (41322)-3-53-32,   Fax: (41322)-3-44-63,   e-mail: ibpn@online.magadan.su 

Домашний адрес: Россия 685000 Maгадан,  проспект Ленина 28  кв.28,  телефон:  (41322)-2-91-66;  Home address: 28 - 28 Lenin St., Magadan 685000 Russia, pnone: (41322)-2-91-66

Образование: Окончил биологический факультет Пермского государственного университета в 1970 году,  затем с 1970 по 1973 гг. учился в очной аспирантуре Ботанического института им. В.Л. Комарова АН СССР. С 1973 по 1981 годы -  младший  научный  сотрудник Института биологических проблем Севера ДВО РАН (г. Магадан); с 1981 по 1986 гг. старший инженер-начальник сектора опытных  работ Магаданского управления лесного хозяйства (г. Магадан); с 1986 по 1992 год - старший научный сотрудник Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского  института золота и редких металлов (ВНИИ-1), г. Магадан. С 1992 по настоящее  время  - старший  научный сотрудник,  заведующий лабораторией структуры растительного покрова института биологических проблем Севера ДВО РАН (г. Магадан). Диссертацию «Антэкология растений арктической тундры острова Врангеля» на соискание ученой степени кандидата биологических наук защитил в апреле 1974 г.  В 1990 году присвоено ученое звание старший научный сотрудник. Член Русского Ботанического общества, имею грант Фонда по поддержке фундаментальных исследований.  Общее число публикаций 91.

Область научных интересов: Репродуктивная биология сосудистых растений, адаптация цветковых  к экстремальным условиям среды,  общая экология, восстановление растительного покрова (рекультивация)  нарушенных земель криолитозоны.



Data of  birth: April  8, 1946, Russia;
ACADEMIC RANKS:  Senior Scientist, PhD.
POSITION: Head of Plant Cover Structure Laboratory, Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far-East  Division of Russian Academy of Sciences;
        Docent of the Biology and Chemistry Department, Northern International
        University. Address: 18, Portovaya St., Magadan 685000 Russia.  Phone:
        (41322)- 3-53-32 – w. , (41322)-2-91-66 – h.  Fax: (41322)-3-44-63;
        e-mail: ibpn@online.magadan.su

      1965 – 1970       Perm State University, Student.  Perm, Russia
      1970 – 1973       Komarov Botanical Institute of Academy of Sciences of
                                 USSR, Post-graduate course. Leningrad (S.-Petersburg),
                                 Russia. PhD Thesis: Anthecology of arctic tundra plants of
                                 the    Wrangel Island.
                                 Awarded Fall 1974.


      1973 – 1981       Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS,
                                  Botany Laboratory.   Magadan, Russia
      1981 – 1986        State Forestry Department of Magadan Region, Head of
                                 Experimental Unite, Magadan
      1986 – 1992        All-Union Institute of Gold and Rare Metals  (VNNI-1),
                                  Environmental Protection Laboratory, Senior Scientist.
                                  Magadan. In  1990 was awarded Academic Rank “Senior
      1992 – to date     Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS,
                                  Senior Scientist, Head of the Plant Cover Structure Lab;
                                  Northern International University, Docent of Biology and
                                  Chemistry Department (reader of courses in Botany and
                                  Reproductive Biology of the Vascular Plants)


 Shamurin, V.F.,  E.A. Tikhmenev. Flowering and fructification in Leguminosae and
            Scrophulariaceae in the Wranger Island. Bot.Zhurn.,56, 3, 1971, pp. 403-413.
 Tikhmenev, E.A. On the pollination ecology of some Salix species in arctic tundras in the
           Wrangel Island.  Bot.Zhurn., 58,8, 1973, pp. 1209-1216.
Tikhmenev, E.A. , V.P. Levkovsky. On the pollination ecology of the arctic tundra's grasses in
            the  Wrangel  Island. Bot. Zhurn.,  58,10, 1973, pp. 1474-1484.
Shamurin V.F.,  E.A. Tikhmenev. Relationship's among the entomophilous plants  and
            antophilous  insects  in the arctic biocenoses. Zhurn. Obschei Biol., 35, 2, 1974, pp.
 Tikhmenev, E.A.  On  the  pollen viability of arctic grasses. Bot.Zhurn., 59, 10, 1974, pp.
 Tikhmenev, E.A.  Pollination  ecology  of  the Wrangel Island plants. Proceedings of 12
            Internat.  Bot.  Congr., 1. Leningrad, 1975, p. 236.
Shamurin, V.F., E.A. Tikhmenev, V.P. Levkovsky. Daily rhythms of flowering with the
            problem of plants adaptation to arctic condition. Proceedings of XII Internat. Botan.
            Congress,  1, Leningrad, 1975. P.237.
Tikhmenev, E.A.   Pollination ecology of  the  Wrangel  Island plants. Bot. Zhurn., 61, 2,
            1976, pp. 164-176.
Levkovsky, V.P., E.A.  Tikhmenev. Pollination ecology of some arctic Festuca L. Bot.Zhurn.,
             62, 1, 1977, pp. 35-42.
Tikhmenev, E.A. Proctor M. and V. Yeo. The pollination of flowers. Oxford, 1975. 418 pp.
             (Review). Bot. Zhurn., 62, 11. 1997. Pp. 1683-1686.
Kozhevnikov, Yu.P., E.A. Tikhmenev. New species of Pedicularis L. from Wrangel Island.
            Bot. Zhurn., 63, 10, 1978. Pp. 1440-1443.
Tikhmenev, E.A., I.B. Tikhmeneva. On the flowering and pollination of  some  the  relict
            steppe plants of the Indigirka river basin. In: Pollination ecology, 3, 1978. Perm:
            Perm. University, pp. 31-37.
Tikhmenev, E.A.   Pollination  ecology of some arctic species Cyperaceae Iussien. Bot.
             Zhurn., 64, 4, 1979, pp. 247-250.
Tikhmenev, E.A.  Flowering and pollination of some Ericaceae. Bot. Zhurn., 64, 4, 1979, pp.
Berman, D.I., E.A. Tikhmenev. Relationships bitween Entomophilous plants and
             anthophilous insects in alpine tundras of the Bol’shoi Annachag  mountain rang.
             Alpina Tundras of the Bol’shoi Annachag Maintain Rang( Kolyma Upland).
             Vladivostok: DVNC AS   USSR. Pp. 128-151.
Tikhmenev,  E.A.  Pollen  viability  and pollination of arctic plants. 1981. Ecology (Soviet) 5:
Tikhmenev, E.A. Flowering and pollination of arctic species of Saxifragaceae. Pollination
             Ecology. Perm: Perm University. Pp. 22-32.
Tikhmenev,  E.A.  Pollination ecology of shrubs and grasses in mountain tundras of Bol’shoi
             Annachag Range.  Biology and Ecology of Plants  of the bassin of the Kolyma river.
             1981.  Vladyvostok: DVNC AS USSR. Pp. 47-55.
Levkovsky, V.P.,  E.A. Tikhmenev, E.P. Levkovsky Cleistogamy of arctic grasses. 1981. Bot.
             Zhurn., 66, 1: 49-55.
Levkovsky ,V.P.,  E.A. Tikhmenev. Pollination ecology of some grasses in  Kamtchatka
            Peninsula.  Plants Biology and Flora of the Far East. 1981. Vladyvostok: DVNC AS
            USSR. Pp.  99-107.
 Tikhmenev, E.A.  Trends in anthecological adaptations in Angiosperms of Far East of the
            USSR.  Biological Problems  of  the  North. Proceedings of the 10-th All-Union
            Symposium. 1983. Magadan: 97-98.
Tikhmenev, E.A.  Pollination and self-pollinating potential in entomophilows plants  of arctic
            and mountain tundras of the North-East of the USSR. 1984. Ecology (Soviet), 4: 8-15.
Tikhmenev,  E.A.  Pollen viability of typical species of Pinus pumila communities.  Biological
            Problems of the North.  Proceedings of the 11-th All-Union Symposium. 1986.
            Yakutsk: 188-189.
 Denisov ,G.V.,  E.A.  Tikhmenev.  Flowering amd pollination of grasses of the seeding
            meadows in permafrost zone. Biological Problems of the North.  Proceedings of the
             11-th All-Union Symposium. 1986. Yakutsk: 143-144.
Tikhmenev E.A.  North-Eastern forest region. The Forest tundra. 1987. Moscow:
            Agropromizdat. Pp. 141-158.
Kulavskaya, L.A., E.A. Tikhmenev. Antydusting reclamation of the tails of gold extracting
             factoris. Bulletin Kolyma, 9, 1988. Magadan: OSVZ. Pp.37-38.
Tikhmenev, E.A.  On pollination ecology of meadows grasses  in Yakutia. In: Selection of
             perennial gfasses in Yakutia. 1989. Yakutsk, pp. 105-112.
 Tikhmenev, E.A. Anthecological studies of the dominant species of the seeding meadows in
            the North-Eastern of USSR. In: Ecological and population analysis of native plants
            for introduction. Proceedings of 7-th Symposium for fodder plants.  1990. Syktyvkar:
            Komy Scientific Center, RAS. Pp. 182-183.
Kevan, P.G., E.A. Tikhmenev, M. Usui. Insects and Plants in the pollination ecology of the
            Boreal Zone. Ecological  Research, 1993, 8, pp. 247- 267.
Tikhmenev, E.A.  Relationships between entomophilous  plants and insects in the Boreal
            Forests of North-Eastern Russia. Managing Forests of Meet Peoples Needs.
            Proceedings of SAF/CIF  1994  Forestry Convention.  Anchorage,  Alaska.
            September 18-22,  1994. Society of American Foresters. 5400, Grosvenor Lane
            Betheda, Maryland  20814-2198. 1995. Pp. 453-456.
Kevan, P.G., E.A. Tikhmenev. Wind and self-pollination in meadows grasses:  seasonal and
            diurnal reproductive isolation.  Abstracts of 45-th Arctic science conference, 1, 1994.
            Vladivostok: Dal'nauka, 55 p.
                            Tikhmenev, E.A. Disturbed arctic lands: experience and problems of the revegation.
                                       Chukotka. Natural-  economical essay. Moscow, 1995. Pp.314-321.
Kevan, P.G., E.A. Tikhmenev. Dynamic anemophily and reproductive isolation some common
             grasses of Ontario, Canada.  Russian Ecology, 4, 1996. Pp. 268-274.
Tikhmenev, E.A. The reproductive features of the northern angiosperms as a factor of plant
            diversity and community stability. – Opera Botanica, 1997, 132: 67-76. Copenhagen.
                 ISBN 87-88702-39-1.
Kuznetsov, S.Yu., E.A. Tikhmenev, S.P. Buhkalo. Records of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
            from the Magadan Province. International Journal of Dipterological Research, 4,
            1997. Pp. 117-118.
Tikhmenev, E.A. The reproductive biology of northen angiosperms as a factor of the plants
            adaptation to the arctic environment. Program & Abstracts 28-th Arctic Workshop
            (March 12-14, 1998, Institute of Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder,
            CO, USA). P. 150.
Tikhmenev, E.A. Revegetation of the disturbed arctic and subarctic lands of the Russian
            North-East. Program & Abstracts 28-th Arctic Workshop (March 12-14, 1998,
             Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO,
             USA). P. 151.
Tikhmenev, E.A., A.A. Pugachev. Formation of the posttechnogenic ecosystems in the
             permafrost zone of North-Eastern Russia. Proceedings of the IV International
             Conference “The Development of the North and Problems of Nature Restoration “
             (August 3-7, 1998, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia. Pp.99-100.
Denisov, G.V., E.A. Tikhmenev. Perennual grasses in revegation of the disturbed areas of the
              permafrost region. Program and Abstracts of  3rd Circumpolar Agric. Confer. The
             Challenge of Globulization, Fairbancs, Alaska., 1998. Pp. 38.
Tikhmenev, E.A., A.A. Pugachev. Land reclamation on the North-East of Russia. Program
              and Abstracts of  3rd Circumpolar Agric. Confer. The Challenge of Globulization,
              Fairbancs,   Alaska., 1998. Pp. 103.
Tikhmenev, E.A.  Anthecological features of the northern flowering plants // Scientific studies
             in the North-East of Russia: To the 275th  year date of the Academy of Sciences of
             Russia. Magadan: NESC FEB RAS, 1999. P.226-234.
Vishnyakova, M.A., T.V. Kilikovskaya, E.A. Tikhmenev. Seed reproduction of Vicia
             multicaulis Ledeb. (Fabaceae) in Okhotsk-Kolyma Upland. Russian Ecology, 6,

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